Patient Participation Group

Have your say on how we  serve the community of Craigshill

We aim to provide the best service possible to patients under the NHS and always look for new ways to improve. We really value feedback – both good and bad – as this helps us to meet these aims.

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) has been established since November 2017 to include patients in how we deliver our services.

When does the PPG Meet?

Every 3 months.  

Who Attends the Meetings?

So far we have 8 members, who attend along with Dr Kelly, Dr Rahman and Ryan Addison, Practice Manager. Anyone who is a patient is welcome to attend the PPG. We welcome all ages and backgrounds.

What Can I Discuss at the Meetings?

Anything practice related. General Practice is facing tough challenges with the national shortage of GPs; this has an effect on appointments for example. If you have concerns, please feel free to discuss at the meeting. We value all input and suggestions.

What Happens After the Meetings?

Minutes are taken by the Practice Manager and once approved by the members, are published on the website and in the waiting rooms. Action points are added. There is follow up at the next meeting to make sure that there are outcomes.

Can I Attend for Just one Meeting?

Yes. The more the merrier!  We would hope that you would want to come along to the next meeting, but understand it is not always possible.

How Can I join?

Simply fill in the registration form below, or ask at the reception for more details.

PPG Sign Up
Tittle *
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Gender *
Your Age *
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?