Services in West Lothian

Living with Bipolar Disorder?

Dont be alone – join West Lothian Bipolar Self Help Group for support and information in a friendly, relaxed environment – occassional guest speakers!  No referral needed – our group is for anyone affected by bipolar Disrder plus careers, family and friends – all welcome!

Meetings: 2nd Thursday of each month, 7-9pm

Bathgate Partnership Centre

South Bridge Street


EH48 1TS

Please contact Bipolar Scotland on 0141 560 2050 for more information.

Are You a Carer?

Do you care for someone or are you cared for by someone else?  

A carer is a person of any age who provides unpaid help and support to a relative, friend or neighbour, who cannot manage to live independently without a carer’s help, due to frailty, illness, disability or addiction. The practice will work with Carers of West Lothian in identifying hidden carers in the practice and, with the carer’s consent, will refer them to Carers of West Lothian’s information and support service. You can complete the online form here, Carers Identification Form.  

You can also contact Carers of West Lothian directly. Their details are:

Carers of West Lothian

Sycamore House

Quarrywood Court

Livingston, EH54 6AX

Tele:  01506 448000



Youth Action Project 

Offers support, information and advice to young people aged 10-21 years. They operate a detached youth work service, peer education, diversion from crime and anti-social behaviour; a befriending service for vulnerable young people, targeted group work programmes, practical training workshops, summer activities and a music project. They also offer 1:1 support

They can also assist parents/carers and communities that may be experiencing difficulties with young people.  

Tel: 01506 431430 – Email

Health In Mind

Have been promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in Scotland since 1982. They do this by providing a wide range of services to support people to make a positive difference to their lives. Services include counselling and trauma counselling; befriending; guided self-help; support for people from minority ethnic communities; combatting isolation by connecting people within their local community; art therapy; outdoor conservation for greater wellbeing; suicide prevention; support with substance misuse; mental health and wellbeing information; training and much more.

Go to: for more details or call 0131 225 8508 or email at


Supporting people excluded from family, home, work or community on their life journey.

OPAL – Older People, Active Lives; Helping older people stay independent, active, connected and to increase well-being.

Web: | Email: | Tel: 01506 815 815

Home-Start West Lothian

Established in 2000, offers support, friendship and practical help to parents with young children, in communities throughout West Lothian. They offer a unique service, recruiting and training volunteers – who are usually parents themselves – to visit families at home who have at least one child under 5 to offer informal, friendly and confidential support.


Call: 01506 415755


Craigshill Good Neighbourhood Network (CGNN) 

Is a local charity, which aims to provide practical help, social and volunteering opportunities for socially isolated and vulnerable people in the area of Craigshill and South Howden. Several other services are available in West Lothian.

Contact Details: Livingston Craigs Farm Campus, Maree Walk, Craigshill,

Tel: 01506 435851